Sunday, August 29, 2010

Media Convergence

This is my first time blogging. This is actually my first experience with blogs at all. I have never created one or read one. Due to this, I can already say that this class has taught me something new. I think that requiring a class to use different technologies is a great idea, and more professors should catch on to this trend. These are the technologies that we will be using throughout our careers, and our employers will expect us to be knowledgeable in all areas. Having experience is key to success.

Technology is changing the way people interact, the way they are entertained, the way they receive information, and essentially the world itself. We are able to communicate in endless ways with very few restrictions. Media outlets must constantly update their ways of doing business, and stay on top of current events. Consumers have increasingly higher expectations of how fast they should be able to receive information. They also want everything to be more mobile.

I am going into Advertising which is an industry that must continually evolve in order to remain successful. Consumers are now spending the majority of their time online. The time they do spend watching television is usually accompanied by some technology such as DVR or TIVO, which enables them to fast forward through all the advertisements. Advertisers have to develop new ways of reaching consumers, such as online ads, and interactive ads. The industry is constantly changing, which makes it very exciting to enter into. I look forward to this class, and acquiring more of the much needed skills required of those in the advertising field.


  1. your right about having it be required for classes to use different technologies, i think that would be great idea as well. they are all around us, we need to know how they work because that is a major form of communication now.

    your right though technology really is changing the way people interact. its crazy to think about and think how things were ten years ago. i too am going into advertising and you are so right when you say that advertising must continusely evolve to remain successful. It always has to stay current.

    i enjoyed reading your blog! it looks nice! :) i'm new to blogging as well! its fun though, i think. Well i liked your blog it sounds great.

  2. I liked your insight into how we communicate with few restrictions. The thought that we are always connected to other people gives exciting opportunities to reach them. I think that Internet advertising in still in its infancy. Banner ads and spam emails were the beginning and now a host of YouTube videos are accompanied by full length tv ads. Essentially, agencies are taking whatever they would put on tv and use it online. When there were not as many tv channels and no Internet to access, advertisers could get away with reaching people in predictable ways; and they were effective. Now, consumers have all of the control over what they are exposed to. A new wave of advertisers will have to change the way Internet ads are placed through guerilla ads or perhaps product placement. Nice blog and I am looking forward to reading more.

  3. I completely agree with your statement about advertising. So many people do things to avoid commericials by fast forwarding through them or turning the radio station or just throwing them away. Advertisers really need to be on their toes, coming up with new and innovative ways to reach people where they can't automatically fast forward or throw it away.

  4. I can relate to your introduction, as I just wrote my first blog also, and I think a class that will teach us how to use the new technologies is a great idea and a great way to learn. "Having experience is key to success...and technology is changing the ways people interact." I think it is changing in both negative and positive ways. I am also going into advertising and find that online and tivo ads will always be an on going trend, and one to keep up with in the future.
